A lulu is best held outside. But it's not always sunny enogh so here are some ideas that can be used
indoors and out.
- Musical Chairs with tropical music (this can be played in doors)
- Decorate the cake (so that it looks like the ultiment Beach!)
- Play hawiian music (your guests really feel like they are in Hawaii)
- When you send out the invitations- tell your guests to dress in hawaiin clothes! (If you do not have
any ask your parents if they can help you buy one.
- Invitations- Here's a fun idea! Clip tropical pictures out of an old magazine. Then
glue them on a 5 by 4 1/2 inch pice of card-stock to make a gnarly post card!!! But don't forget to leave
room write the party info!!
- Music- if you can't play tropical music, use some music that has the sound of a beach.
- Wind- if outside is raining or not good wheather- lay out towls inside and set up a few fans! now turn
on some bright lights to make it look like the sun.
- Aloha!- It's a hawiian tradition to greet visitors with a lei!! You can do the same when your
guest come say "Aloha!" and give them the lei!
- No Donkey?- Pin-The-Tail-On-The-Donkey dosen't have to be Pin-The-Tail-On-The-Donkey. To make
it fit your theam, make it, Put-The-Flower-In-The-Hula-Girl's-Hair or Pin-The-Wings-On-The-Flamingo exc.
- Your Design- Give each guest a sheet of white paper. And have them cut out shapes out of colored
paper and glue them on the sheet of white paper. Them cover each pice of art-work in contact paper. So the
picture, will be turned into a place-mat.
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