What's new at our site???
New Upates!
Strike a pose!
We are finished reconstructing the layout of The Shoyru Gallery!! Not all the colors have been added yet. But 2 more poses have been added for each color, Normal standing pose
and Hit Pose. PLUS! A whole new color that's been retierd! That means this is one of the only sites you
will see it on. And the color is... Glass!
News Page
Ok, ok. I think you know this, but Page 98 has been turned into the News Page. Now you can see what
we've added, and always be in the know.
Party Pages Recyled!
Since we had no good ideas for the F.B.I. and Camping party themes, we took them off so we could make them into more
useful pages. If we end up getting some good ideas, we will put them back on, but for now, we will be using them for
other use. But since we took them out, we add 2 more ideas to the Movie theme and the Fairy Tale theme.
More Tips
More tips have been added to the Neopets Page. Including avatars and the lab ray!