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Red Rose, Spinning

Whether you like soccer, theater, movies, jokes, neopets-anything basically. then you are going to love this site!
 This site is made exactly for girls who like to have a lot of FUN!!! if you like this site so much you can tell it to a friend! right on the bottom of every page there is a little letter that will let you recommend our site to someone else! (How cool Is That!) Anyway- we have almost everything you love! but you do have to understand that we are still working on this site! so if you come one day you may come back 2 days later and find 3 more pages! by the way- do you like our curser? The words follow you everywhere! if you do not like it you can send us a e-mail asking us to change it. If you do not type nicely in the e-mail you may not get your wish. Anyhow we are also still working and looking on how to load some cool games onto the site. 

we are always open to any ideas you have! if you think this site needs something just write to us, & we'll see what we can do for you.

please understand that we are still working on the site, so if you see something half way finished- do not worry! we will come back and change it! BATTLEDOME!!!


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